[유튜브채널] Daniel LaBelle-7 을 신규 추천하였습니다<작품소개를 등록하였습니다>I specialize in creating short physical comedy videos with the hope of uplifting you and giving you smiles!
I love the art of non verbal communication. It's incredible how much can be said without speaking a word.
Some of the great comedians who have inspired me are Rowan Atkinson, Curly Howard (from the three stooges), Lou Costello, and Jim Carrey.
<유머 카테고리를 등록하였습니다>재미있는/편안한 영상
<특징 카테고리를 등록하였습니다>영상속도가 빠른
<느낌 카테고리를 등록하였습니다>웃긴,특이한/괴상한,보기 좋은/계속 보게되는
<구독자 카테고리를 등록하였습니다>100만 ~ 1000만